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Power of Perspective
Carl F. Hicks, Jr., and Natalya H. Bah
Are you living the life you want to live? A life of purpose? Of meaning? Are you on your way to reaching the level of success you believe you're capable of? If not, it's time to harness the Power of Perspective.
Power of Purpose
Carl F. Hicks, Jr., and Natalya H. Bah
Discovering your purpose in life is like finding the missing piece of a puzzle: all the other pieces make sense and the picture becomes clear. Are you harnessing the Power of Purpose?
Power of Passion
Carl F. Hicks, Jr., and Natalya H. Bah
Talent and drive are only part of the force behind achievement. The rest is passion. If you're ready to reach the next level of success, it's time to harness the Power of Passion.
Power of Preparation
Natalya H. Bah and Carl F. Hicks, Jr.
A strong perspective can be enhanced by intentional, purposeful, determined, definitive, and disciplined preparation. Have you harnessed the Power of Preparation?
Power of Positivity
Natalya H. Bah and Carl F. Hicks, Jr.
Positive thinking has a profound impact on the life you're living now—and the life you want to have in the future. Positivity creates the climate in which dreams grow, purpose and meaning thrive, goals are achieved, and you become what you believe you can be.
Power of Perseverence
Natalya H. Bah and Carl F. Hicks, Jr.
Perseverance is steadfastly pursuing a goal, task, dream, or journey, regardless of the difficulties, distractions, or obstacles faced, or the frustration and discouragement experienced. In short, perseverance means never giving up until you find the success you desire. Have you harnessed the Power of Perseverance?
High Impact Ideas For Your Life
Carl F. Hicks, Jr.
This collection of thoughts and observations is intended to encourage and motivate you to live the life you were meant to live. Be inspired to actively pursue the ideas and dreams that excite you, that give your life meaning and purpose. Become the “you” were meant to be!
The Best You
Carl F. Hicks, Jr.
A collection of motivational quotes to spark a thoughtful assessment of where you are now, and inspire a vision of where you'd like to go.
My Growth Journal
Carl F. HIcks, Jr.
My Growth Journal is a compilation of inspirational quotes and challenge questions designed to encourage reflection and thought, and, most importantly . . . personal growth.
Unlock the Growth Potential of Your Organization
Carl F. Hicks, Jr. and Martin E. Willoughby, Jr.
How do you understand and motivate each individual to realize the collective growth potential of your organization? Unlock The Growth Potential Of Your Organization offers an innovative tool that can help you determine each team member's preference for work, communication, and incentives, what conditions support their best performance, and more.